Pioneering spirit, permanent innovation
Specialist in the production of authentic, artisanal and organic Bach flowers …
In 1993, Gérard Wolf, decided to create his own company.
Recognized expert in Bach flowers, he is one of the first to advise them.
To be sure of the quality and effectiveness of flower essences, he decided to produce his own stock solution in strict compliance with the method of Dr. Bach (wild flowers, organic brandy at 40°, dilution to 1 / 250th).


The Bach flowers are picked in their natural wild environment and come from picking sites located throughout France.
Our stock solution are produced directly on French picking sites, made by us and controlled by Ecocert.
Respect strict of the original method of manufacure developed by Doc. BACH
We remained strictly faithful to the method of homemade preparation invented by Dr. Bach and described in his books:
- The artisanal picking of wild flowers in a healthy environment, free from any industrial or animal pollution
- Strict respect to the sun method or boiling method:
- Sun method is suitable for annual flowers, fragile, and allows a slow diffusion of their active principles, without degradation.
- Boiling is the other method suitable for flowers from perennial plants, most often woody: shrubs, trees.
- The addition of BIO brandy at 40 ° in equal part with floral water
- Dilution at 1 / 250ths of BIO brandy at 40 °.
Member of the european guild of Bach flowers: Certified the respect of the method
We are members of the Bach Flower Guild. This brings together several producers of European flower essences and ensures the establishment of a standard of quality, ethics and authenticity in the method preparation elixirs. A label “Dr. Bach Method” present on all our products attests the quality.

A pioneering company, focused on creation and innovation.
A high quality « bio-chic » brand
100% natural, well-being products, fitting current trends for organic products.
Elegant upscale packaging.
Guided by a spirit of permanent innovation, Elixirs & Co facilitates the use of Bach flowers to make them accessible for all, by designing ready-to-use elixirs, roll-ons, perfumes, cosmetics, food supplements (etc.), creating a unique concept of natural products of well-being for the body and for the mind.