Respect of Bach flower essences

original manufactoring process

The methods of manufacture of mother species

• Manual picking of wild flowers in a clean environment free from industrial and human pollution.
• Strict respect of the sun method
• Addition of 40° organic brandy in the same proportion as floral water.
• Dilution at 1/250 in 40°organic brandy.

The sun method

This method is well suited to annual or fragile flowers and allows slow diffusion of their active ingredients, without degradation. It requires the use of spring water, a fine glass container, 40% BIO brandy, a natural filter, a funnel and an amber glass bottle.

The boiling method

• Manual picking of wild flowers in a clean environment with no industrial or human pollution.
• Strict respect of the boiling method.
• Addition of 40° organic brandy in the same proportion as floral water.
• Dilution at 1/250 in 40°organic brandy.

Flowers concerned by this method

Chêne, Oak
Ajonc, Gorse
Marronnier blanc, White Chestnut
Violette d’eau, Water Violet
Muscade, Mimulus
Aigremoine, Agrimony
Hélianthème, Rock Rose
Centaurée, Centaury
Scléranthe, Scleranthus
Folle avoine, Wild Oat
Impatiens, Impatiens
Chicorée, Chicory
Verveine, Vervain
Clématite, Clematis
Bruyère, Heather
Plumbago, Cerato
Gentiane, Gentian
Olivier, Olive
Vigne, Vine
Eau de roche, Rock Water

Step 1: Climate

Weather conditions must be perfect to make sure we will obtain a top quality preparation: sunny day without any wind or cloud

Step 2: flowers environment

You must choose only wild flowers, free from human and animal pollution.

Step 3: Selection of flowers

Flowers must strictly be the same as the ones discovered by Dr Bach.

Step 4: Picking up flowers

You must pick up the flowers in the morning, when they are at their peak, before pollinisation.

Step 5: Let there be sun

Put the flowers at the surface of a glass vessel containing pure spring water.
Leave the vessel exposed to the sun during 3 or 4 hours, making sure that no shade covers it at any time.
You know that the sun process is completed when flowers wither at the surface of water.

Step 6: Filtering

Delicately remove flowers from the vessel and filter the floral water so as to remove leaves and insects.
Half fill a yellow glass bottle with the floral water.

Step 7: Add organic Brandy

Fill the rest of the bottle with organic 40° cognac, then shake the bottle delicately to obtain a stock solution.

Flowers concerned by this method

Prunus, Cherry Plum
Orme, Elm
Tremble, Aspen
Hêtre, Beech
Bourgeon de marronnier blanc, Chesnut Bud
Charme, Hornbeam
Mélèze, Larch
Noyer, Walnut
Etoile de Bethléem, Star of Bethlehem
Houx, Holly
Pommier sauvage, Crab Apple
Saule, Willow
Marronnier rouge, Red Chestnut
Pin sylvestre, Pine
Moutarde, Mustard
Chèvrefeuille, Honeysuckle
Châtaignier, Sweet Chestnut
Eglantier, Wild Rose

Step 1: Climate

Weather conditions must be perfect to make sure we will obtain a top quality preparation : sunny day without any wind or cloud.

Step 2: flowers environment

You must choose only wild flowers, free from human and animal pollution.

Step 3: Selection of flowers

The boiling method will be used to prepare mother essences from bushes and trees.
It is also necessary to use only the flowers discovered by Dr Bach.

Step 4: Picking up flowers

Pick up flowers with their stalks and leaves and put them in a pan.
Fill the pan up to ¾ and add 1 or 2 liters of spring water.

Step 5: The boiling process

Heat the pan and let the maceration boil for 30 minutes.
Then delicately remove the flowers and let the solution cool for 2 hours.

Step 6: Filtering

Filter the solution and half fill a yellow glass bottle with the preparation.

Step 7: Add organic 40° Brandy

To complete the preparation, fill the bottle with organic 40° Cognac and delicately shake it to obtain a mother tinture